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"A fantastic victory"

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« Tilbake

  04 April 2011
Barcelona World Race 2010-2011


"A fantastic victory"

D+93. Jean-Pierre Dick and Loïck Peyron have won the second Barcelona World Race, a double handed round-the-world which left on 31 December. Virbac-Paprec 3 crossed the finishing line at Barcelona on Monday, 4 April at 12:20:36 (Barcelona time UT+1) after 93 days, 22 hours, 20 min and 36 seconds of racing. They sailed 29,075 miles at an average speed of 12.9 knots. Jean-Pierre, winner of the first Barcelona World Race with Damian Foxall in 2007-2008, has done it again. As for Loïck Peyron, this is his first victory in a double-handed round-the-world. It is a second victory for this dynamic duo (Transat Jacques Vabre 2005). The skippers were given a very warm welcome in Barcelona. They received a crown of laurels on the Barcelona World Race stage where they expressed their joy in winning this race.

JP, as they crossed the finishing line: "It's extraordinary;  a second victory and each time with a new boat. The fact that we went back to Auckland helped us make Virbac-Paprec 3 reliable. It's magic with Loïck. We made the most of this race. I got a lot of pleasure from it. This round the world is a combination of a number of small things. We already knew each other. It was the joint experience of both of us as skippers that was the key to winning. I have lots of images of this tour: Cape Horn for example. I had never got so close to it before. We were able to share this live on camera with the people onshore. It is the most beautiful moment I've spent at sea. We are in good form after three months."

Jean-Pierre, when the laurels were awarded to them "How can you describe the pleasure of arriving at Barcelona? It's an emotional moment. It's indescribable. I'm simply happy to be here. Today I achieved an objective I set myself a few years ago. Winning this race in the way that we have won it is simply magical. To spend three months in a natural environment round the world, living your passion to a full, with the help of technology into the bargain, is simply magical. Thank you and well done to Barcelona and to the Barcelona World Race. A double-handed victory round-the-world is fantastic. Thank you, of course, to my sponsors. I'm very proud to see them here today. Thank you Virbac and thank you Paprec. It is a long-lasting and on-going partnership. It is thanks to you that we are here today. I’d also like to say a huge thank you to my team which has done wonderful work."

Loïck Peyron, as they crossed the finishing line "It's exceptional. This is my third round-the-world. The first was single-handed. The second was with a crew. This third was double-handed. And we have won it, dominating despite the strong competition. It was enjoyable. It's good to have finished and have finished well. The success comes from real cohesion; we complement each other. The fact that we both know how to sail single-handed  helps you trust the other person. Success also comes from having a very fine boat beneath our feet. It was work well done. What do I remember? The albatrosses. That's what's unique in this area of the globe. We were lucky to see them."

Loïck, during the awarding of the laurels: "Naturally, I thank Jean-Pierre for the magnificent cruise we sailed together and the surprise stopovers. We raced well on a magnificent boat, well-prepared and in beautiful colours. You can feel that it's a boat from a great family. From time to time, I think of joining the family: Virbac-Paprec or Paprec-Virbac. Of course it depends on the year! Each time, this enables us to win double-handed* races together. A few years ago it was a transatlantic race. This time it's a round-the-world. We worked really well together. Thank you Jean-Pierre for this invitation, and next time, who knows?"

Barcelona/Gibraltar Trophy

Virbac-Paprec 3 in the lead : 3 days 7 hrs 55 min

Gibraltar Trophy/Cape of Good Hope

Virbac-Paprec 3 in the lead : 26 days 13 hrs 35 min

Cape of Good Hope Trophy/Wellington (NZ)

Virbac-Paprec 3 in the lead : 46 days 20 hrs 45 min

Wellington Trophy (NZ)/Cape Horn

Virbac-Paprec 3 in the lead: 6 days 22 hrs 20 min

Cape Horn Trophy/Gibraltar

Virbac-Paprec 3 in the lead: 90 days 13 hrs 35 min

Virbac-Paprec 3 finishes victoriously in Barcelona

In 93 days 22 hrs 20 min 36 sec. Distance sailed: 29,075 mile (53,847 km)

Average speed: 12.9 knots (25 km/h)

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